Take control of your job search.

Sick of recruiters just spamming you with irrelevant jobs?

How about never hearing back after sending your CV over?

And let’s not forget about the ghosting after you’ve attended an interview.

Looking for a job or just looking to see what’s out there can be pretty stressful.

The reason I started TechWaves was because the candidate experience was never a priority. And when you work for someone else, their rules are what you must abide by.

I was fed up of the politics and having to recruit for teams that I didn’t believe in. Recruiting for hiring managers that were, let’s say, not the nicest people.

I vowed that once I set up, there was no way I was going to put candidates in a role where I for one would not work myself.

Vetting process for clients - yes we have one.

Every client is vetted. Employee morale is looked at, onsite visits are conduced and how people treat me is a big indicator of how employees will be treated.

If I smell something fishy, I’m off. Yes , I run a business, but not at the detriment of putting someone in a position that is going to make them miserable. My values have to align.

So, if you want to work in a role where promises of development or flexible working come to fruition, and not just said to reel you in, give me a shout. I’ll tell you the challenges and the great stuff about a company. Then it’s your decision as to whether you want to work in the environment. Most importantly, decide if you’d be happy there.

After all, we spend most of our time in work. Wouldn’t it be nice to not feel dread on a Sunday evening?